Monthly Moment featuring: Sahba
Sahba hails from Australia and is a product of an Iranian mother and an Jordanian father. Sahba had a background in public health and social development. She has worked in neighborhoods, villages, refugee camps, in human rights with Indigenous people, sex workers, people living with HIV, women and people living with a disability. Her passion is about empowerment of vulnerable communities. Young women from Iran have been killed and imprisoned for doing some of the work she has done and feels strongly that is her duty to utilize her privileges to assist with other’s advancement.
1) Where do you find your Moments of Positivity?
I find my moments of positivity when I am clear about who I am, what my purpose in life is and have opportunities to fulfill that purpose. I believe, that I/we were all created noble, and I have the capacity and responsibility to transform as an individual but also contribute to the society I am part of. I try capture moments of positivity by being intentionally authentic and present. When I give space and time to be present to a situation or a person, not only do I see the beauty and positivity in that person or situation, but myself as well- thats when I can potentially be of most service and impactful.
2) What or how do you Claim your Moment?
I try and surround myself with people, situations and stimulus (music, movies etc.) that are positive and nurturing to me. This doesn't necessarily mean happy or superficial settings. For example, doing service in a soup kitchen, could be viewed as depressing, but actually it is one of the most fulfilling ways to spend my weekend. I have an opportunity to connect with the reality of other human beings alongside wonderful volunteers. Also, learning about the race issues in the US (by reading books, watching documentaries or having really difficult and honest conversations) I could see the pain. This results in taking a look at myself, my behaviors and attitudes that might contribute to racism, giving me a chance to grow, learn and understand the role I play in society.
Right on Sahba! Thank you for sharing with Positivity Tribe and continue to Claim Your Moment.
#feminist #metoo #blacklivesmatter #bahai #humanrights #unityindiversity #humanrights #respect #oakland #unitednations #vanuatu #eastimor #redfern #jysep #bahaisIranClara Sahba